A real quick reference of why you need calcium ?
You need Calcium because…
- It maintains normal heart beat
- regulates blood pressure
- helps nervous system function correctly
- MAY reduce colon cancer chances
- … its not only about the stronger bones…
Calcium rich foods…
- low-fat milk
- butter milk
- regular yogurt
- tofu
- other misc items like milk-shakes, coffee drinks, etc…
Calcium requirement / day…
- elementary through high school kids – 1300mg X 4 servings
- adult and middle aged – 1000mg X 3 servings
- older people after 50 – 1200mg X 4 servings
Exercises that helps you…
- walking
- jogging
- dancing
- tennis
- yoga
In between…. Why Vitamin D ?
- helps your body to absorb Calcium
- prevents rickets (soft bones)
- sunlight triggers to produce more Vitamin D