Thanks to Bull for contributing this great plugin. He has created and hosted the plugin dependency visualization plugin on eclipse. The dependency visualization aims to provide a set of views to assist with plug-in dependency analysis tasks. In particular, the views will provide cognitive support to people as they attempt to understand the dependencies between their plug-ins.
It supports set of views with analytics and cognitive tools. This plugin gives a cool visualization of the dependencies between various developers plugins.
Earlier the only way to understand the dependencies is to keep different plugins on the whiteboard and run the plugin dependency tool in the pde. But with this plugin, it becomes much easier for the project leads and team members to manage the plugins.
nice screenshots. how do i get the plugin to work, though? when i open the visualization view – it’s all disabled and there seems no way to populate the empty view with the dependencies…..
Simon : rt Click on the view and select the “Focus On…”. You can select the plugin from the workspace and then you get the dependencies. Hoep this helps… i am assuming that you are running the 3.3/europa.