Is anyone doing Mashup IDEs on Eclipse ?

Gartner predicts that Mashups and Composite Apps is one of the top 10 technologies for 2008. There have been lot of companies embracing the so called bleeding-edge technologies like SOA, RIA, Web2.0, Virtualization, Social Networks and Enterprise Wikis. As these technologies and frameworks are supposed to increase organizations productivity, there is a need to look-into the developer’s productivity too. These days many are happy that you get to choose one in many of the development environments. 

Following are few of the very cool IDEs that i have seen in the area of AJAX, SOA, RIA …

  1. Eclipse (WTP, ATF, RAP)
  2. MyEclipse
  3. Aptana
  4. GWT Designer
  5. Flex Builder
  6. OpenLaszlo IDE
  7. JackBe’s Presto
  8. Nexaweb
  9. BackBase
  10. TIBCO General Interface

I am very curious to see anyone coming up with an IDE for Mashups and Composite applications in the Commercial and Open Source area. I am aware that the enterprise Mashups and composite applications is a budding concept. Of course Mashups from Google are there for a while (but these are not the real enterprise Mashups). Recently i have seen few projects like Damia from IBM, PopFly from Microsoft, Wires from JackBe, Kapow and Denodo. These projects do have some sorts for IDEs but none of them apparently have an IDE based on Eclipse.

“Is anyone out there who is doing Mashup IDEs on Eclipse ?”

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0 Responses to Is anyone doing Mashup IDEs on Eclipse ?

  1. Dave Nielsen says:

    NetBeans is actively building mashup-enabling tools into v6. One of its tools provides rapid code generation for invoking web services such as Google Map, Yahoo News Search, and StrikeIron web services by drag-and-dropping components from the RESTful component palette

  2. Its important to understand Mashups and their differences. As you rightly point out there are Web Mashups (like Google, Yahoo piples, etc.) and Enterprise Mashups. Many of the mashup tools, including some that claim to be Enterprise level operate at the “visual layer” combining mashable feeds/sources. In my view, true Enterprise Mashups must create value “across the Enterprise” and to do so they must operate at a deeper functional or data layer. Denodo for instance offers “Enterprise DATA Mashups” — that combine structured, unstructured and Web data into data services. This “mashup” can then be used by a CRM application or a UPS delivery man’s hand-held system and be universally useful. On the other hand a visual mashups, while they are easier for an end-user to create, has usefulness for a smaller group of individuals and not enterprise-wide.

  3. Denis says:

    For people interested in Mashup editors, I’d suggest that you take a look at – it’s another web based mashup tool that just recently launched. Takes on a different approach – targeting both non tech savy users, who can assemble buildings blocks to produce a mashup – and more advanced users, with xml programming skills, who can expand the tool and creade new widgets.
    Beware it only works on Firefox though….
    MashupMania is not an eclipse plugin, so that won’t really help you, but just thought you’d be interested by it. Also, there’d always be the possibility to integrate it as a plugin within Eclipse – something I have not yet looked into.

  4. Composer says:

    I wrote a reply few days ago , why is it not available anymore ?

  5. Jagan says:

    I found this link with general googling

    but its a commercial tool. Even i am looking some kind of open source one.

    Are you tooo? let me know if you have any rencent findings.


  6. You are right. I have not seen any of the open source ides till now on mashups. If you are looking a comercial ones, try
    They are supposed to have very cool IDE.

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