Author Archives: sureshkrishna

Existance of God ?

Just few minutes back me and my family had a great discussion on “Inquiry” on God. My parents, my 2 sisters, my wife and my niece were in this discussion from night 9.30pm till 12.30am. We are generally a god loving and god fearing family at the same my me, my wife and my second sister are sort of close knitted with the idea and practice the “self-image-of-god”. Of course, we are not trying to prove who is right and who is wrong; instead, we are reasoning each and every practice of ours.

Group 1 (Fundamentalists): They believe that there is GOD controlling everything on this earth and the entire universe. Anything that goes against GOD is deemed to be marked as sin. They believe in each and everything that different gods say, practice and preach. They highly believe in different Gurus and Babas. Once they believe in a Guru, whatever guru says, that’s the ultimate truth and there is no need to verify anything. They have GOD as the support system and whenever they get into trouble, they ask GOD for help. They don’s like the idea that you can create your own luck and your own destiny.

Group 2 (Independent Thinkers): They believe that there is a greater power that keeps everything intact in this world. They can’t believe something unless there is a proof and logical (and not religious) explanation for it. When someone says “It’s like that”… they follow them with the “Why and How”. They like to believe in them selves and each and every consequence is the result of their action. If they become success, it’s because they worked hard and gained certain skills in life that helped them. Instead of keeping their support system in GOD, they believe in their wife, friends and parents. They believe that Parents and Teachers are the greatest people who make you as areal Person and grateful to them.

Questions from Independent Thinkers :

  • “Everyone is same in front of God” is the popular belief. If this is the case, why do different people have different problems in life. There is a great disparity in lives, wealth and growth of people. Person whom we see would have done a great work at their home and work but would have had a pitiful death.
  • As a Father, one would take care of their kids till the death. If one considers GOD to be the father, why does he inflict pain and suffering in people. Does GOD likes the one who worships him a lot ?
  • Many scriptures talk about the “Karma”. Whatever you do in this life is carry forwarded to next life and this life is  completely the result of previous. If we back track like this, there is one life in which all of us have a clean chit and we all are real good guys. Then God had some weird ideas and made some good and some bad. Why does he need to create the bad guys ? Can’t he suggest or reprimand his own kids about good and bad things. On the other hand, if every decision is mine, what is the need of GOD ?
  • If i need to anyway take the pain and pay my debts of my past sins, why should i care about GOD ?
  • God is the one who created the Lion in jungle and Lion eats all the animals and had great power and strength. Does that mean that the Lion is bad and it will go to hell ? So, now GOD is the one who gave it the natural power and he is the one who is punishing it (because it kills and eats smaller animals)?
  • If Gurus and Babas are correct and they are the ultimate gods, then whatever they say also MUST happen. The fact that many of us see different results of such predictions indicates that we should be cautious to know what to follow and what not to follow. Blind faith is dangerous for everyone.
  • Following added on 10/05/2009
  • Who is God
  • Who is Guru
  • Differences between God and Guru
  • How can Guru help me attaining my goals
  • What is Spirituality
  • Spirituality in Practice and how can it help you
  • If Karma is definite for everyone, then how can i face it
  • I do lot of prayers and lot of poojas. Why do i get MORE problems than others
  • How can i maintain spirituality in this modern world
  • I do prayers everyday. Am i liberated ?
  • I pray and go to temples frequently. Am i a good devotee ?
  • I don’t pray or go to temples frequently but i respect and thing about god. Am i a good devotee ?
  • What are the vales that we should pass on to our kids ?
  • Why should i do Pooja ?
  • If Karma and Fate are definite and nothing can change it. Then why do all spiritual leaders say that if you pray god, your hardships will be gone ?
  • We often hear that the destiny of a man is written on his face when he takes birth. If so, our puranas also tells that by doing poojas, many women stopped the death of their husbands. Now, people are confused about who is right. What should they listen to.
  • What is the power of Mantra ? Why should i chant ?
  • If you listen to Ramayana, MahaBharata and other Puranams, you get quite confused about the interpretations of Gurus. Not to mention the names of gurus, One started saying that Ramayana should be treated as though Rama and Sita are ONLY human beings. And on several occations, he also talks about they did something as a human but in their mind they know that they are here for a purpose. The author tries to substantiate whatever Rama/Sita/Lakshmana does in the whole plot. In the end, we get a  feeling that a sentense can be interpreted in a number of ways. And the spiritual leaders tries to PUSH this idea of Ramayana into people by POSITIVE interpretation of an action even though it’s not.
  • e.g. During the Sitapaharana scenes, Rama goes out to get the Golden Deer and once Deer shouts in the voice of Rama, Sita gets worried. At that time Sita says lot of bad things to Lakshmana, who initally refuses to go out to protect Rama. Sita suspects lakshmana that he wants Sita and he was with them only to kill Rama and then marry Sita. Once these verses are over, almost all the interpreters say that she says this not because Lakshmana is bad but unless she says this he will not go out. She knows that they are here for the purpose and the purpose is to kill Ravana. In this manner, if an author goes on supporting whatever is said by the Ramayana characters, then everything they say seems to be CORRECT. There is no logical explanation but you just need to believe it without thinking further.

Of course we did not get answers to many of our questions and we are still in the discussion process. Please do let us know what you think about this topic and i would like to hear more about your experiences and beliefs.

Can you do effective Context Switching ?

Everyone in Software and IT industry are exposed to the what i call as “Context Switching” problem. Bosses are so adept in giving different kinds of tasks to the “makers”, they often dont realize whats involved in the context switching. Before i move on, i was reading a very interesting article from Paul Graham on the “Maker’s Schedule; Manager’s Schedule“. Indeed, he was right on to the point of where the programmers (aks Makers) and managers spend their time and what does “meetings” mean to each of them.

We very well assume that most of the programmer’s have 8 hours of work time in a day and schedule all the work according to it. What we very often forget to take in to account are the obvious and non-obvious tasks. As Paul says, programmers one piece of work/task is normally in the 1 day chunk  (for some at least, it’s in 1/2 day chunks) and any disturbance in that 4-8 hours of time proves to be very costly. We all want to concentrate and make sure that the entire program is in our head till the time we are done with it. This phenomenon is very well explained by Paul in his article “Holding a program in one’s head“.

When you start your brand new day at office thinking over a problem or a algorithm, your boss calls up and asks you for a status update because his boss asked for a team update. Well, that is the request you need to honor without a question.  Usually the calls will not be 5-10 minutes but goes for minimum of 30 minutes to 1 hour, because we are trying to solve a problem over the phone or in the meeting room.

  • Meetings,
  • Weekend vacation talk,
  • Extended Lunch and coffee time,
  • Status reports to manager,
  • Status report to customer,
  • Helping the Sales and Marketing Team,
  • Attending the personal calls
  • etc… (i am sure there are 100s of such things)

The tasks, your manager thinks of as 10 minutes actually takes 1hour and after sending the sweet report or tools comparison to him, you again head down to start writing your program and after 1hour you get a call to say that the report format should be changed so that he can submit it right away to his boss. Phewww…. you did that one too. Now the time is almost, 2.00pm and you really want to concentrate and do the REAL work. All in all, When i analyze the average programmer probably gets around 5 hours of quality time out of 8 hours in the day time. No wonder, we often end up working late nights just before the delivery. Many programmers has the similar habit of working in the dark/late hours. Yes, that works perfectly. No one to call you or ask for reports or for help. The only thing that you really think of is the problem before you.

I work on a project which has a very tight dependency with the environment(installed software on the machine) . Every thing installed on a machine matters and a lot of legacy code is maintained from past 15 years or so. The environment is so critical that if one installed the required software in anyway other than the prescribed order, you may need to burn the mid-night lamp to find some non-obvious, strange and scary system behavior. Of course, initially i was under the impression that the software system MUST not depend on the environment, but as i got into the system, i believe that some times the dependency just exists (due to several legacy apps and unimagined integrations of different products).

Context Switching is one project impedement that Agile Methododlogy and Scrum claims to remove. Scrum recommends the values where the team has a specified time for meetings and tries to decrease the buerocracy in th project against the traditional adhoc meetings  and untimely calls for context switching. Of course one can say they are following Scrum and still do the traditional way, but i have seen this working in my experience.

Did any of you have such problems of Contect Switching ? What do you do to come over it ?



Originally uploaded by Sur3shKr!shna

I lived in Germany during 2001 – 2005 and each and every place is so wonderful that i still cant stop thinking about these places. I as living in Stuttgart and we had to go to Garmisch-Partenkirchen and from there you could either take a cable car or go by walk.
Though i am living in USA from past 3 years, i have not seen such a beautiful place. The early morning walk with a lot of fog, beautiful green pine trees and old houses with little bit of snow and rich culture is what i miss here.
Anyway, my Saahithi is 1 month old now and i am sure that we will visit Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Swiss and France again before i retire 😉

Lower your LDL : Fact Fact

There’s “berry” good news for those of you wanting to naturally reduce plaque build-up in your arteries. Researchers from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) say a compound found in blueberries—called pterostilbene—can significantly help lower “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. In lab results, the compound worked just as well as prescription medications—minus the dangerous side effects!

Courtesy By :

Thanks to Fremont Fire Department

On 05.31.2009 at 3.40am PST i was in deep sleep to realize the smoke and suffocation. When I woke up, i realized that the smoke is due to fire and i could hear a fire alarm. I went to all the rooms to check if it is not coming from my apartment and then i opened my bedroom’s window to see that a car is on fire. Of course in real life this is the first time i saw fire coming out of a car and the fire was intense. The immediate thing i did was to call the 911 and they in turn connected to the fire department. I gave the address of apartment and location and they were here in the location in 2.5 minutes.

This is the first time that i saw the fire rescue team and they were very prompt to take the hose and immediately started the water. After 10 minutes the fire came down but there was a lot of smoke coming out of the engine. So they used some ultra high-fi cutters to cut open the hood and sprayed the extinguisher.

The entire operation took around 2 hours and all the while i was thinking about the adverse effects of the fire if no one would have seen it. If the fire came to the gas tank, it would have been a disaster and all the wood railings would have caught fire. Anyway, with great sincerity i extend my tanks to Fremont Fire Department for their good work. Probably t his is a real small incident that fire department takes care of, but for me i understand the amount of brevity, timely action and courage they show to rescue and proactively put off 100s and 1000s of fire incidents.

See the pictures at

Food Facts – Part I

Fact 1 : Contrary to what many people believe, drinking liquids of any kind while eating will dilute important stomach acids needed for proper digestion. Don’t drink liquids with your meal, but rather , drink between meals to refresh and hydrate without interrupting your body’s nutritional absorption.

Fact 2 : Lemon or lime juice has the additional benefit of balancing pH by keeping your system from being too acidic. This is counter-intuitive but true : These fruits, which contain a fair amount of citric acid, have an overall effect on the body. Still another benefit that makes lemon or lime juice a perfect way to break fast is that both help cleanse the liver of toxins- a good thing to do on a regular basis. The lemon juice in warm water needs only fifteen minutes to work its magic. Warm water facilitates digestion.

Fact 3 : Giving your body a break from food facilitates healing to begin at cellular level- flushing toxins, eliminating dead and dying cells while cleansing, nourishing, and spurring the growth  of new cells. The best part of fasting, however, is the natural “high” you get that may result from the brain’s release of antidepressant-like chemical known as Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).

Fact 4 : Calorie Restriction “thins the blood”, that is it reduces the platelet adhesiveness, thus decreasing the potential for dangerous blood clots and the number of white blood cells- two essential components necessary to a successful immune system.

Fact 5 : Not all fat is bad. Adding some high-quality fat sources like olive-oil, fish oil or walnuts to a meal can improve cardiovascular health.

Fact 6 : Eating carbohydrates without any fat at all is a bad idea. When you eat carbs without fat, the body converts part of them to fats known as triglycerides, which when elevated, are a risk factor for heart diseases.

Fact 7 : Fat-free meals actually increase the amount of bad fat in your blood stream, so always include some good quality fat with every meal.

Fact 8 : Reducing salt in food can help you to have your blood pressure controlled. But a completely sodium free food, in fact, may put  you in danger of irregular heartbeat.

Fact 9 : Just adding fish oil alone will likely produce a measurable blood pressure drop.

Fact 10 : Maitake and shiitake mushrooms provide valuable immune system benefits and both have been shown to possess anticarcinogenic properties.

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Effects of Caffeinated beverages

For all those who needs reasons to stop or quit caffeinated beverages… here you go…

  • Elevates blood sugar
  • Elevates blood fats
  • Increases blood pressure
  • Stimulates central nervous system
  • Causes irregular heart beat
  • Increases urinary calcium and magnesium losses (may impact on long-term bone health)
  • Increases stomach acid secretion (aggravates stomach ulcer)
  • Causes tremors, irritability and nervousness
  • Causes insomnia and disruption of sleep patterns
  • Causes anxiety and depression
  • Causes hightened symptoms of pre-menstrual-syndrome (PMS)

Following topics might interest you.

What is Cholesterol

Natural Living in modern society

ABCs of “Cholesterol”

Cholesterol is the enemy for many of us living in this modern society. Many suffer from the chronic heart diseases and wants to come out of the ever increasing heart risks. Well, taking pills like Lipitor, Zocor, Pravachol, Zetia and Vytorin definitely reduce and control the cholesterol. However, that’s not the real solution. A wise decision would be to get educated about the Cholesterol and its ill effects. This does not imply that the cholesterol is bad. But, excess of cholesterol is bad for health and can increase the risk for heart diseases.

This writing gives you an overview of  cholesterol and why is this lipo protein required by the body. This writing is compilation of the information from different sources and a result of lot of research work. Hope this helps you in knowing and fighting cholesterol.

What & Why of  Cholesterol :

Cholesterol is a critically important compound in the human body. It is synthesized in the liver and then used in the manufacture of bile, hormones, and nerve tissue. Cholesterol is a type of lipid, one of the classes of chemical compounds essential to human health . Cholesterol makes up an important part of the membranes of each cell in the body. In addition, the liver uses cholesterol to make bile acids, which aid digestion. The body also uses cholesterol to produce vitamin D and certain hormones, including sex hormones.

The human body contains a feedback mechanism that keeps the serum concentration of cholesterol approximately constant. The liver itself manufactures about 600 mg of cholesterol a day, but that output changes depending on the intake of cholesterol in the daily diet. As a person consumes more cholesterol, the liver reduces it production of the compound. If one’s intake of cholesterol greatly exceeds the body’s needs, excess cholesterol may then precipitate out of blood and be deposited on arterial linings.

One of the major uses of cholesterol is the synthesis of bile acids. These are synthesized in the liver from cholesterol and are secreted in the bile. They are essential for the absorption of fat from the contents of the intestine. A clue to the importance of cholesterol is that most of the bile acids are not lost in the feces but are reabsorbed from the lower intestine and recycled to the liver. There is some loss, however, and to compensate for this and to meet other needs, the liver synthesizes some 1500–2000 mg of new cholesterol each day. It synthesizes cholesterol from the products of fat metabolism.

Large concentrations of cholesterol are found in the brain, spinal cord, and liver. Gallstones that occur in the gall bladder are largely made up of cholesterol. It is also found in bile (a fluid secreted by the liver), from which it gets its name: chol (Greek for “bile”) plus stereos (Greek for “solid”).

Normally, cholesterol produced by the liver circulates in the blood and is taken up by the body’s cells for their needs. Cholesterol can also be removed from the blood by the liver and secreted in bile into the small intestine. From the intestine, cholesterol is released back into the bloodstream.The body does not need cholesterol from dietary sources because the liver makes cholesterol from other nutrients.

Cholesterol and Triglycerides :

Cholesterol and triglycerides, another lipid, are two of the major fatty substances in the blood. Triglycerides may be used by cells for energy, or they may be stored for later use. Doctors often measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood to help determine a patient’s overall health. High levels of cholesterol, particularly if accompanied by high levels of triglycerides, increase the risk of heart disease. Both cholesterol and triglycerides are carried through the bloodstream in large molecules called lipoproteins.

“Good” cholesterol and “Bad” cholesterol

Cholesterol is carried in the blood bound to protein molecules called lipoproteins. Most of the cholesterol is transported on low-density lipoproteins (LDLs). LDL receptors on body cell membranes help regulate the blood cholesterol level by binding with LDLs, which are then taken up by the cells. However, if there are more LDLs than LDL receptors, the excess LDLs, or “bad” cholesterol, can be deposited in the lining of the arteries. High-density lipoproteins (HDLs), or “good” cholesterol, are thought to help protect against damage to the artery walls by carrying excess LDL back to the liver.

High levels of LDL-cholesterol in blood are a primary cause of heart attacks. LDL can be found in the wall of heart arteries. Low levels of HDL-cholesterol also increase the risk of heart attack. Some scientists believe that HDLs help remove cholesterol from tissues.

Though high total and LDL cholesterol levels, along with low HDL cholesterol, can increase heart disease risk, they are among several other risk factors. These include cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and physical inactivity. If any of these is present in addition to high blood cholesterol, the risk of heart disease is even greater.

Factors affecting blood cholesterol levels:

  • Heredity–High cholesterol often runs in families. Even though specific genetic causes have been identified in only a minority of cases, genes still play a role in influencing blood cholesterol levels.
  • Weight–Excess weight tends to increase blood cholesterol levels. Losing weight may help lower levels.
  • Exercise–Regular physical activity may not only lower LDL cholesterol, but it may increase levels of desirable HDL.
  • Age and gender–Before menopause, women tend to have total cholesterol levels lower than men at the same age. Cholesterol levels naturally rise as men and women age. Menopause is often associated with increases in LDL cholesterol in women.
  • Stress–Studies have not shown stress to be directly linked to cholesterol levels. But experts say that because people sometimes eat fatty foods to console themselves when under stress, this can cause higher blood cholesterol.

People also may have high cholesterol levels if they have an abnormal gene and this disorder is called familial hypercholesterolemia. Other factors that can cause high blood cholesterol include a malfunctioning thyroid gland, kidney disease, diabetes, and the use of various medicines, including certain diuretics.

Lipid Profile Tests:

The lipid profile is a group of tests that are often ordered together to determine risk of coronary heart disease. The tests that make up a lipid profile are tests that have been shown to be good indicators of whether someone is likely to have a heart attack or stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels (hardening of the arteries). The lipid profile includes total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol (often called good cholesterol), LDL-cholesterol (often called bad cholesterol), and triglycerides.

The table shows the range of typical values as well as the values above (or below) which the subject may be at increased risk of developing atherosclerosis.

LIPID Typical values (mg/dl) Desirable (mg/dl)
Cholesterol (total) 170–210 <200
LDL cholesterol 60–140 <130
HDL cholesterol 35–85 >40
Triglycerides 40–150 <13

Note 1 : Total Cholesterol = HDL Cholesterol + LDL Cholesterol + 20% of Triglycerides

Note 2 : Cardiac Risk Ratio = Total Cholesterol / HDL Cholesterol. A cardiac risk ratio greater than 7 is considered a warning (you are encouraged to calculate the risk ratio with the latest lipid profile results)

Conditions Caused by High Cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol can cause a condition known as atherosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries. When the arteries become filled with plaque, the walls become stiff and brittle. This not only restricts blood flow, but it can also cause the arteries to burst because they are so brittle; this can lead to blood clots.

But sometimes diet and exercise alone are not enough to reduce cholesterol to goal levels. Perhaps a one is genetically predisposed to high blood cholesterol. In these cases, doctors often prescribe drugs. The most prominent cholesterol drugs are in the statin family, an array of powerful treatments that includes Mevacor (lovastatin), Lescol (fluvastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin), Zocor (simvastatin), Baycol (cervastatin), and Lipitor (atorvastatin). Lipitor is the most popular drug ever sold ever in the history of the world. Lipitor does more than $9 billion in sales per year – that’s more than one million dollars per hour, every hour of every day, 365 days per year.

Summary :

Cholesterol is a type of lipid, one of the classes of chemical compounds essential to human health. Cholesterol and triglycerides, another lipid, are two of the major fatty substances in the blood. High-density lipoproteins (HDLs), or “good” cholesterol, are thought to help protect against damage to the artery walls by carrying excess LDL back to the liver. High levels of LDL-cholesterol in blood are a primary cause of heart attacks. LDL can be found in the wall of heart arteries.

Large concentrations of cholesterol are found in the brain, spinal cord, and liver. Gallstones that occur in the gall bladder are largely made up of cholesterol. It is also found in bile (a fluid secreted by the liver), from which it gets its name: chol (Greek for “bile”) plus stereos (Greek for “solid”).

Matrix lover gets cold…

Today it is the saddest incident in the history of entire human species. No one has ever seen the domination of the this bad virus (cold) over the human race. We humans have always prevailed and we will. Today we are less energetic, these bad guys (virus) have taken our physical strength; However we are as strong as ever and we are strengthened mentally. We will show them once again that human will and power always outlives the physical nature.

Today is the day that we will not give into these bad guys. We will gather all our armies and ammunition and be ready to prevail and thrive. We will show them once again that we are HUMANS and they are BAD guys. Today we need to show our courage, strength and endurance. We will not fall pray to any of the bad allies (anti-bio-tics), we will keep all our friendship but use none.

Finally my friends, hold on to your faith and will. Tomorrow is a new day and we the HUMAN race is going have another victory and we will kick these bad guys butt off and make them run into the black holes.


This is in response to sad and anger provoking incidents happened in India. I pay tribute to all those heroes, who have fought and gave their lives for this country in rescuing many innocent lives in Mumbai. I would not want to talk more about this fearful incident, but want to remind everyone a small message.

“Please do not forget such incidents and move on. This kind of ill cultured and brutal behavior should be stopped. If not done or if we (YOU, ME and Others) relax thinking that nothing happened to me , a time will come when the same incident might happen to one of us or to our near or dear. And, that time we will just be in agony and nothing else. We all as part of the India and Indian community in different parts of the world, please spread this message across and let everyone know that we STRONGLY CONDEMN these brutal acts.”

Most of us has been thinking that, “As long as i am safe; i don’t care”. But PLEASE come out of these thoughts and be aware that we are all part of the same system and society. If we don’t bring out our frustration, thoughts, ideas and kill our fears and URGE a result oriented action and thought process, nothing is going to happen. We have seen so many riots, bomb blasts and still we are passive. We and Media would like to talk about it when the incident happens and after few months, “EVERY THING IS NORMAL”. People behave as though nothing has happened and we are living in a perfect world. A time comes for every one, when they loose their patience, let their ACTIONs speak with no fear. “YOU FEAR, YOU SUFFER”.

When i talk to few people recently, they dont even want to talk about it. Some people feel sad about this indicent and they dont want to talk and some dont care about it. The attitude is like, “I am in XYZ country; I dont care”. With all the due respect to your personal feelings, i would urge such people to come out of their coward clothes and behave as a responsible citizens. One need not be patriatic, to feel bad about these issues and raise a voice. It just takes a meaningful, sensible human being to condemn such things and “EXPRESS THAT WHAT HAPPENED IS REALLY BAD”.

This is the question of the “Terrorism” and WE CAN NOT FIGHT it, if we have so many differences among ourselves and “fear even to speak out”.  Do speak out about “WHAT YOU FEEL” and have a result oriented thought process. World needs to know what each and every one of us feel.

Finally, i salute to all the heroes of the attacks and my sincere condolences to all those families who have lost their near and dear. Being away from my country, i am trying to do what i can.


India pays tribute to its heroes