Tag Archives: mobile

Quickonnect – a handy personal assistant

As a Product Guy and Technologist, I keep meeting lot of people at conferences, meetups, train stations and on hikes. It’s pretty fun when I meet like minded people and the ideas that ignite the next conversation or to hangout … Continue reading

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Enterprise Mobility Bytes #6 : Balancing the release cycles

How frequently should you release your Mobile/Tablet App? and How frequent should be the bug fix releases?. Of course, the clear answer is, it depends. In this post we will see couple of factors that influence the frequency and what … Continue reading

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Enterprise Mobility Bytes #5 : Deciding between Tablet and Smartphone.

The line between the desktops, tablets and smartphones is blurring and this means a new challenge and a reality to all enterprises. As a consumer, we have adopted tablets and smartphones apps at a much faster rate compared to that … Continue reading

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Enterprise Mobility Bytes #4 : So.. you decided to have a mobile app. What now ?

From my own experience and talking to many product managers who are taking care of launching a new mobile application for enterprise applications, it is very clear that the “usecase” definition early on in very valuable and makes a huge … Continue reading

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Enterprise Mobility Bytes #3 : Mobile First Strategy

These days everyone talks about the “Mobile First” or “Mobile First Strategy” in the context of the consumer apps and enterprise apps. Many think that Facebook is the one that publicized this strategy especially when they put big bets on … Continue reading

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Enterprise Mobility Bytes #1 : Application Icon

As with the consumer mobile applications, enterprise applications also have the same branding challenges. Choosing the right Icon for your iOS and Android applications is very critical for how users discover and identify the app. Remember that once the application … Continue reading

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