Category Archives: eclipse

Announcing : Bay Area Eclipse Regional Community

I am excited to announce the starting of the Bay Area Eclipse Regional Community ( Thanks to all the Eclipse enthusiasts who responded to my post ( Many wanted to have a Regional Community to share their experiences in the … Continue reading

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RCP, RAP and eRCP : Single Code Base and Three Runtimes

Running an Eclipse application on Desktop, Web and mobile platform seems to be an exciting and challenging task for many. With a clear and crisp APIs, Eclipse made this task practical and easier. Chris Aniszczyk has already posted an example … Continue reading

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Attn : Eclipse Enthusiasts in Bay Area

After the Eclipse Day @ Googleplex, i was wondering if a similar thing can be organized in Bay Area. I understand that Googleplex event is a special one, however if anyone is interested, we can probably start a Regional Community … Continue reading

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Eclipse Ganymede Release

Yesterday i have written a short blog;  Things i like in Ganymede. In my blog, Ganymede was misspelled which was purely unintentional. I would like to extend my sincere apologies to all the readers and Eclipse for the confusion. Thanks … Continue reading

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Things i like in Ganymede

Another great release from Eclipse this year with 23 simultaneous projects. I was little bit confused as to 23 vs 24 projects; these two numbers are hovering in different sources. Never the less, i am happy to download and play … Continue reading

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Save time with Pulse 2.1

Pulse has been of a great help for me personally to manage versions, plugins and to share profiles. It is a great sign of relief to many developers and also corporates as it eased the plugin configuration. Continue reading

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Why should you Jazz ?

Jazz is a technology platform from IBM. Its based on the client-server technology and manages the source management, build tools and promotes the team collaboration. Once of the great aspect of this platform is that its built with Team Collaboration … Continue reading

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My JDeveloper Training

I have been undergoing the Oracle ADF and JDeveloper training for a future project. It was pretty hard for me to accept that i am undergoing this training considering my strong belief in eclipse-as-a-platform. I started the training by asking, … Continue reading

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EclipseCon 2008 – I loved it.

EclipseCon needs no introduction. Its been happening from past 4 years and each year it has a lot of interesting news and updates. I was very excited to meet my ex-colleagues from Germany. Its been refreshing for me to talk … Continue reading

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JFace Dialogs : which one is right for you ?

JFace framework of Eclipse provides many standard and useful dialogs and a framework to build custom dialogs and wizards. When the standard dialogs seems to be too simple for your plugin or RCP developement, one can extend the standard dialogs … Continue reading

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